You only get one obstacle you cant overcome.

Faith over Worry.

It has been my experience in life, that "God only gives us one obstacle we cant overcome, and we will die from it."

At first this seems a bit dark, or dim. However, this quote almost entirely encapsulates my faith in God. I was raised in a Christian Church doing all the weird ritual things that might give you heebie jeebies like chanting along with people in robes, singing off key in unison, Christian rappers, drinking wine that everyone insists is blood (which is just so so weird to a child, lets be honest). *me looking toward the sky* I mean come on God, drinking blood? Super weird.

But despite constantly being surrounded with things that feel weird and awkward in the modern world of Christianity or any religion for that matter, one thing has always stayed steadfast in my heart and mind and that was God working things out.  Maybe not how I thought it would get worked out, but it happened anyway. I could write a book on the things that have worked out in my life and I would be willing to bet a lot of other people feel the same way. There is a trick to it though. God can work out any problem in the world, but we have to be able to see it. Human perspective is a powerful thing. We have to be able to explode the view on our lives and look in on a couple decades at a time rather than just seeing today, or last week. It's like a fly away of planet earth where you start at a house and all of a sudden your looking at the whole planet. Do that with your life timeline, and see things as they are on a grander scale. Start at today and explode out to looking at a weeks worth of time. Then a month. Then a couple years. Then 10 years. See yourself all the way back to your school days. Todays problem just got really small. This months problems just got really small. This years problems just got....smaller.  And all you have to do is wake up tomorrow. And then wake up tomorrow.

God has been present through innumerable personal difficulties in my life. Wanting a wife, God took care of it. Needing a place to live, He's found me multiple homes. Wanting to be a Dad, put a stamp on it. Recently I've been struggling with the time I spent in college being wasted away because I don't have a career in the social work or psychology fields and whether that time was wasted and what I'm doing with my life at the moment. But it's OK. I don't know what he's working on, but I'm putting some things in motion and seeing which balls God keep spinning, and what new ones he decides to introduce. Waiting on a door to open and all that. It'll work out. Because God has control.

It's necessary in a personal journey to publicly pronounce a faith, so here is mine again (it's been a while). I believe in Jesus Christ and all of the messages he laid forth in the Gospels, and I believe these things because I see God's hand working in my life on a regular basis. Especially when I'm not looking for Him. Especially when I am not praying, when I'm not going to church, when I'm not seeking him out. He is there working. God is the constant one.

If you know me, I hope you always think "Man, that guy is always in a good mood and rather carefree." Because the way I go knocking door to door talking about Jesus is living care free with faith in God. I'm not perfect, there are plenty of bad days and lots of flaws, so feel free to hold me accountable within reason. I try to live worry free at all times because I've watched God work it all out. It's already happened. The battles been won. Yes I still need to get my hands dirty and work. But in the end, it's over. God's got it. So seriously, stress free is the way to be. Also it rhymes, which is cool.

God only gives us one obstacle that we can't overcome, and were going to die from it. So in the mean time, you've got this. Hakuna Matata.


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