Cross the chasm or fall off the cliff?

Lifestyle update! Last night our family got to go out for a big pasta dinner to celebrate an anniversary. The only issue is that I've spent the last 5 or so months doing a low-no carb diet called Keto. Diets are lame so I've called it a lifestyle which is exactly what this post is about. Lifestyle choices allow your progress to be more like jumping over a chasm rather than "failing" on a diet and falling off the cliff. People have lots of reasons for choosing a nutrition plan and there are 10 times as many diets and plans out there as reasons to be on one. I found the Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting in my search for a healthy way to operate in endurance sports. I have been hypoglycemic for as long as I can remember which to me meant I couldn't walk a disc golf course without needing a snack. Sugar ruled my life. For more than a decade I would intake more calories from Mountain Dew alone than I now consume in an entire day. No longer. I am thrilled that...