
Showing posts from September, 2017

"Ok, I recognize what you are doing. Now what?"

"Ok, we now recognize that kneeling for the national anthem is for social injustice and not intending to insult the military, but now what? come up with a solution right now and stop complaining because we still think your insulting the military, so come up with a solution right now because your making us angry complaining about social injustice"                  -Everyone who is smart enough to kind of get it, but expects everyone to live exactly how they do. Yesterday I wrote out a post outlining an experience I had with police officers where I feel I could draw a different outcome if my skin had been a different color. Would that outcome be different every time? Is every police officer a racist, mean, hateful, bigot? No. I believe that statistically there is a higher risk for violence if a black man had been in my shoes even without thinking that the majority of officers are bad. The...

I'm still alive.

I'm still alive. Without trying to sound overly dramatic, I want to write about why I believe in and support the current protests going on in America. We have for a time now seen NFL players taking a knee, or sitting on the bench during the National Anthem. So here is a story from my life, and some thoughts. I'm still alive, and it's because I'm white. My family and a few close friends and colleagues know this story, but it wasn't until recently that the entire event has really taken a deeper meaning with me. Before my wife was pregnant I spent some time basically wasting life away as an Uber driver trying to avoid the daily 9-5 grind. What I found was that to make money, I had to drive drunk people home at night. About this time, there were surfacing stories about people attacking their Uber drivers. Well, I'm a little dude with little muscles. And at the time, didn't have the money to get a CCW license to carry a firearm. So I did what I thought was ...