Take time to celebrate.

I want to take a couple minutes to celebrate my wife today on her birthday. Opposites attract is pretty much the foundational building blocks of our relationship, and I have been very blessed to learn so much about life from my perfect opposite. We are very excited to go out and celebrate her birthday together, just the two of us. Which is mind blowing to me. I can't even dream of not going out with 15 people and having heck big party with tons of attention. But that's why Lindsey is so perfect in my eyes. She asked that we go out to her favorite spot, just the two of us for an evening. Elegant, simple, independent. Three characteristics that I love about her so much and want to celebrate. Lindsey knows exactly how to be elegant. She can hold herself with class, knows how to put together clothes, makeup and jewelry in just a way where it isn't flashyn but when you look a little closer she is perfectly put together. Simple. Simple might sound negative at first, but with...