Talk about Un-Mentionables

If you ask for something, it will be given to you. Of course, it wont necessarily be what your expecting. All day I've been looking for something to write about that matters. I feel like my blogs have been pretty running focused, but that's only a part of me and honestly, not even my favorite part. One of my favorite things is to sit and talk with people about unmentionables. Unmentionables? You know what they are. Religion and Politics. 30 people just stopped reading and closed out of the blog. Ha-ha. That's ok. Kind of. But it's time they talk about them anyways, and Juan Vasquez is my case and point. Who the heck is Juan Vasquez? Juan was the answer I was looking for today as I was scrolling through a popular time wasting website. Juan was an LA gangster. He did gangster things. However, the story didn't end there. Juan had a baby, and a familiar story emerged. His "I don't care to die" mentality turned into "My kids are more important tha...