The Internet makes everything better

Hello and welcome back to Suburban Intro to Homesteading! I have a few new homesteading projects in the works right now in my small apartment, but they are in the beginning stages. So I wanted to take some time to talk about another aspect of my life that I think relates to this blog, and can have a positive lasting impact on the world we live in. #30halfsbefore30 is a personal goal I've been working towards for a little over a year and a half. I am trying to complete 30 Half Marathons before I turn 30. At this point the finish line is metaphorically and realistically in sight. Over the weekend I finished my 24th, and have all of the rest of my Half's on the calendar with me finishing at the Air Force Half Marathon in September. If you knew me 5 years ago, this is a big deal. And it has taken a village. Between training partners, a family member's race entry sponsorship, my OCR family the Crazy Mudder Muckers, becoming an Ambassador for the Brokeman's Running Co, ...