Homegrown amino acids from the comfort of your kitchen.

Everyone in our modern world knows that obesity is a problem. It's an epidemic. It's actually worse than that. Epidemics have cures, lockdowns, procedures. There are no cures for the current situation. There isn't a pill, a shot, or a magical solution.

It's an issue of education. Everyone knows we are being brainwashed by the fast food industry, and advertising, Our subconscious is tapped into every day by years of research all poured into the colors and shapes of logos, jingles, and catch phrases that aim to grab and hold our attention.

And all of these things offer us what? Food that is so processed it is barely food anymore. You've seen the documentaries. If you haven't, get on Netflix or Youtube. Animals and bugs don't want the stuff these companies offer us. Mold and fungus don't even want a lot of the things we shovel in to our bodies.

Well, what do we do? We get back to the roots. Literally. Get growing. For $20 you can order yourself one of these cool trays I'm about to talk about. No one's paying me to advertise these yet, but it's been a blast using them and I genuinely cant believe how dummy proof they are.

To make human protein, our bodies need 20 amino acids. We synthesize 11 of them our selves. The other 9 need to come from our food. The giant source of protein in the US is from meat. However, amino acids can break down when exposed to heat. Therefore, if meat is your only source of protein, your probably struggling to maintain a fit and healthy body. Those 9 amino acids can be found in plenty throughout the vegetable community. And here is my new favorite way to ingest them, because it is seriously almost free. Legit.

Grow. Eat. Live.

I've been experimenting with growing Sprouts for a number of weeks. It takes 4 days to take a tray of seeds to edible sprouts. Sprouts are expensive in the store, if you can even find them. And you wont have any variety. So far I've grown Alfalfa, Fenugreek, Clover,Red Wheat, and Sunflower. The trays can all be started on the same day as I've done in my pictures, or you can rotate them and start a new one every day to run a continuous fresh supply. They grow indoors year round, and grow on water. Water people!! No dirt growing right in your kitchen!! Or Dormitory, or anywhere that it wont have direct sunlight. No direct sunlight because they will cook in these little containers. 2 cups of water, twice a day. It's that simple. One round of 4 trays supplied me with 2 gallon sized Ziploc bags. So many Sprouts. In these pictures we have 2 trays of the Clover, and 2 trays of Fenugreek Sprouts.

 Day 1, just a tablespoon of seeds that have soaked in a small cup of water over night are added to each tray.

 Day 2, the seeds are already growing little tails.

 Day 3, the sprouts will still float around a little as you add the water, but they are definitely starting to show off what they will be.

Day 4, Done! Just take the sprouts out and place in a bowl of water, and swirl them around so the seed hulls can float away. (These are bitter). Pat them dry, and store in a dry container with a paper towel that will help soak up moisture to prevent rotting.

Before I used this tray system the first time, I had never had sprouts in my life. Now they go in everything. Omelets, wraps, salads, or just as a healthy little side. Are they the tastiest, yummiest scrumptiousest thing in the whole world? NO. Are the insanely healthy, and full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids? Yes. So buy yourself a stack of trays, and some seeds, and have some fun. Just by finding ways to try and work sprouts into your daily food plan you will innately start eating healthier. Stop letting the advertising industry convince you that everything going into your face has to taste like a burger, pizza, or ice cream. It isn't the only way, and is certainly not the best.

Grow. Eat. Live.


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