
Showing posts from January, 2018

You only get one obstacle you cant overcome.

Faith over Worry. It has been my experience in life, that "God only gives us one obstacle we cant overcome, and we will die from it." At first this seems a bit dark, or dim. However, this quote almost entirely encapsulates my faith in God. I was raised in a Christian Church doing all the weird ritual things that might give you heebie jeebies like chanting along with people in robes, singing off key in unison, Christian rappers, drinking wine that everyone insists is blood (which is just so so weird to a child, lets be honest). *me looking toward the sky* I mean come on God, drinking blood? Super weird. But despite constantly being surrounded with things that feel weird and awkward in the modern world of Christianity or any religion for that matter, one thing has always stayed steadfast in my heart and mind and that was God working things out.  Maybe not how I thought it would get worked out, but it happened anyway. I could write a book ...